Breathwork is a powerful process for self-exploration, embodiment and transformation.

Breathwork guides you back home to your body. We gently work with any emotions, limiting beliefs and old stories that arise to be seen, felt and transformed. A safe, loving container is held for you to lean into the most uncomfortable parts of your body, often leading to a big release of heaviness, stress and anything else that is blocking you from feeling good in your body and mind.

Learn More About Breathwork

Beautiful African American receiving reiki in breathwork session


Ready to dive deeper? Explore the healing potential of conscious connected breathing coupled with intuitive guidance and support.


Group gatherings

Ready to gather? Come together in community and explore Breathwork within the energy of a group setting.

holotropic breath work in nature


Experience the power of your own breath, nestled in nature while merging with the medicine of the elements.


Follow me on Instagram to stay in touch!

All photography provided by the lovely Olivia Ashton.